Aaron M. Hoover

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering


Office: 214 Campus Center
Phone: (781) 292-2534
Email: aaron.hoover@olin.edu
Lab Name: Olin Robotics and Bioinspiration Lab
Lab Location: 308 Academic Center


Ph.D. - University of California at Berkeley, Mechanical Engineering
M.S. - University of California at Berkeley, Mechanical Engineering
B.S. - Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering


Principles of Engineering
Elecanisms (Advanced Mechatronics)
Controls - Theory and Practice
Introduction to Mechanical Prototyping
User-Oriented Collaborative Design (UOCD)
SCOPE: The Senior Capstone Program in Engineering


Aaron's research interests are in the areas of design, manufacturing, and control of biologically inspired robots, mechanics of under-actuated legged systems, and non-traditional manufacturing techniques including integrated, multi-material compliant mechanisms and folding for production of small-scale robotic systems.

CV (pdf format, updated 04/2017)

Aaron M. Hoover